Lecture: Ways to reduce agricultural carbon footprint
Lecture plan
Soil health and carbon reserves
Forests, crop rotation, amelioration, soil biodiversity, recycling of organic waste, water balance
Carbon accumulation and carbon footprint reduction
Carbon neutrality between industry and ecosystems
Ways to reduce agricultural carbon footprint
Speaker: Dmitry Demidov
PhD (Technology) Innovation Centre of Apatit PhosAgro Group
Lecture: Carbon footprint, carbon balance and carbon neutrality
Lecture plan
Global warming and greenhouse effect
Cycle and balance of substances in nature
Role of agriculture in global warming
Greenhouse gases and its role in global warming
Carbon footprint, carbon balance and carbon neutrality
Speaker: Dmitry Demidov
PhD (Technology) Innovation Centre of Apatit PhosAgro Group
Lecture: Carbon capture systems
Lecture plan
Carbon and its processes in nature
Greenhouse gases, their role in the ecosystem and human impacts
Carbon and nitrogen cycles in biosphere
Absorption greenhouse gases by ecosystem
Carbon capture systems
Speaker: Dmitry Demidov
PhD (Technology) Innovation Centre of Apatit PhosAgro Group
Lecture: Carbon footprint of agricultural products
Lecture plan
Product life cycle
Carbon neutrality in agriculture
Carbon footprint of a product in agriculture
Nutrients and carbon recycling
Carbon footprint of agricultural products
Speaker: Dmitry Demidov
PhD (Technology) Innovation Centre of Apatit PhosAgro Group
Lecture: Carbon footprint of mineral fertilizers
Lecture plan
Mineral fertilizers: types and sources
Life cycle of mineral fertilizers
Carbon footprint of mineral fertilizers: scope 1, scope 2, scope 3
Carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide emissions
Carbon footprint of mineral fertilizers
Speaker: Dmitry Demidov
PhD (Technology) Innovation Centre of Apatit PhosAgro Group
Spring Wheat Plant
Speaker: Anka Maya
Postgraduate student (3rd year), Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy
Digital services in agribusiness
Speaker: Elena Vorobyeva
Head of digital, PhosAgro Group
Greenhouse gas emissions from digestate composting
Speaker: Bente Foereid
Research Scientist, Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research, Norway
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