Online library of lectures - ProAgro Lectorium


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Lecture: Function of Si in plants
    Lecture plan
  • Si in nature and active forms of Si
  • Role of Si in plants
  • Si against biotic and abiotic stresses
  • Effect Si fertilizers on bioproduction of cultivated plants
  • Si-based biostimulants
Function of Si in plants
Function of Si in plants
Speaker: Vladimir Matychenkov
Dr. Sci. Ph.D., Institute Basic Biological Problems Russian Academy of Sciences
How to select the best fertilizer types, forms, doses, application timing, and application methods?
How to select the best fertilizer types, forms, doses, application timing, and application methods?
Speaker: Vladimir Nosov
PhD (Soil Science) Head, Competence Centre JSC Apatit, PhosAgro Group
Lecture: Soil Nutrient Imbalance
    Lecture plan
  • About The Soil Solution
  • Impact of Soil Degradation in Africa
  • Soil Nutrient Imbalance
Soil Nutrient Imbalance
Soil Nutrient Imbalance
Speaker: Ebrima Jarra
Executive Director, The Soil Solution (NGO) The Gambia
Soil health and food production: status and challenges
Soil health and food production: status and challenges
Speaker: Dr. Ronald Vargas
International Consultant
Lecture: Building resilience to climate change by adopting conservation agriculture (CA) in the smallholder farming systems
    Lecture plan
  • Definitions of terms: Climate change, resilience and conservation agriculture (CA)
  • Negative consequences of climate change on crop production
  • Examples of sustainable conservation agriculture (CA) technologies
  • Benefits of CA on soil fertility (soil erosion, soil microbiological activity, etc.)
  • Benefits of CA on crop production and farm income
Building resilience to climate change by adopting conservation agriculture (CA) in the smallholder farming systems
Building resilience to climate change by adopting conservation agriculture (CA) in the smallholder farming systems
Speaker: Cosmas Parwada
Professor, Midlands State University, Zimbabwe
Lecture: Systems and features of animal and poultry keeping
    Lecture plan
  • General issues of poultry farming
  • Chicken rearing systems
  • Young stock rearing
  • Adult poultry rearing
  • Biosafety in poultry farming
  • Methods for improving the sanitary condition of eggs
Systems and features of animal and poultry keeping
Systems and features of animal and poultry keeping
Speaker: Olga Ivanova
Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Head of the Department of Small Animal Science, Russian State Agrarian University —Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy, Professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Lecture: Calculation of soil organic matter balance
    Lecture plan
  • Humus balance
  • Determination of organic matter supply with crop and root residues
  • Determination of humus supply with organic fertilizers
Calculation of soil organic matter balance
Calculation of soil organic matter balance
Speaker: Elena Dabakhova
Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor of the Department of Ecology, Russian State Agrarian University — Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy
Lecture: Enhancing economic analysis methodologies in the context of ESG transformation of the agro-industrial complex organizations
    Lecture plan
  • Global development of the ESG agenda
  • ESG transformation of Russian agricultural organizations
  • External and internal ESG metrics
  • System of indicators for analyzing an organization's financial performance based on ESG criteria
Enhancing economic analysis methodologies in the context of ESG transformation of the agro-industrial complex organizations
Enhancing economic analysis methodologies in the context of ESG transformation of the agro-industrial complex organizations
Speaker: Anastasia Babanskaya
PhD in Economics, Associate Professor of the Department of Economic Security and Law, Russian State Agrarian University —Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy
Lecture: Antagonism and synergism of nutrients (Part 2)
    Lecture plan
  • Agronomic effectiveness of fertilizer application
  • Nitrogen and potassium fertilizers
  • Role of carbon
  • Microfertilizers
  • Rational approach to mineral fertilizer application
Antagonism and synergism of nutrients (Part 2)
Antagonism and synergism of nutrients (Part 2)
Speaker: Natalya Akanova
Doctor of Biological Sciences
Lecture: Digital management for shaping farming ecosystem productivity
    Lecture plan
  • Essence of digital economy transformation
  • Role of the government in shaping and regulating the digital economy
  • Digital transformation in the agricultural sector
  • "Digital Agriculture" departmental project: goals and objectives
  • Digital transformation tracks in agriculture
Digital management for shaping farming ecosystem productivity
Digital management for shaping farming ecosystem productivity
Speaker: Irina Bystrenina
PhD in Pedagogy, Associate Professor, Department of Applied Informatics, Russian State Agrarian University – Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy
Lecture: Information technology in the analysis of organic production
    Lecture plan
  • Institutional scheme of information support for sustainable agricultural development
  • International organizations providing development of standards and collection of information on organic production in agriculture
  • Approaches to the development of information systems for organic agriculture
Information technology in the analysis of organic production
Information technology in the analysis of organic production
Speaker: Mariya Kagirova
Candidate of Economic Science, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Statistics and Cybernetics, Russian State Agrarian University — Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy
Soil health as a prerequisite for crop production: the relevance of organo-mineral fertilizers
Soil health as a prerequisite for crop production: the relevance of organo-mineral fertilizers
Speaker: Adele Maria Muscolo
Professor, Department of Agraria, Mediterranea University of Reggio Calabria
Lecture: Wheat breeding
    Lecture plan
  • Taxonomy and origin of the genus Triticum
  • Morphobiological features of wheat
  • Goals and areas of wheat breeding Variety models
  • Source material for breeding
  • Wheat breeding methods
  • Selection evaluations in wheat breeding
  • Achievements in domestic wheat breeding
Wheat breeding
Wheat breeding
Speaker: Andrei Nekrasov
Specialist of the Marketing and Development Directorate at Apatit JSC
Lecture: Crop breeding. Introduction
    Lecture plan
  • What is crop breeding?
  • History of breeding
  • Source material for breeding
  • Subject and methods of breeding
  • Breeding evaluations
  • Association between crop breeding and other sciences
Crop breeding. Introduction
Crop breeding. Introduction
Speaker: Andrei Nekrasov
Specialist of the Marketing and Development Directorate at Apatit JSC
Lecture: Organic livestock production. Quality and safety of livestock products
    Lecture plan
  • Basic concepts
  • Rules for organic livestock production
  • Substances permitted for use in organic production
  • Milk quality and safety
  • Meat quality and safety
Organic livestock production. Quality and safety of livestock products
Organic livestock production. Quality and safety of livestock products
Speaker: Vera Ostroukhova
Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Dairy and Beef Cattle Breeding, Russian State Agrarian University — Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy
Nematodes and their bacterial prey improve phosphorus acquisition by wheat
Nematodes and their bacterial prey improve phosphorus acquisition by wheat
Speaker: Prof. Ying Jiang
Professor, Henan Agricultural University, China
Responses of an ornamental shrub (Lonicera japonica Thunb.) to cadmium stress
Responses of an ornamental shrub (Lonicera japonica Thunb.) to cadmium stress
Speaker: Dr. Zhouli Liu
College of Life Science and Engineering Shenyang University Shenyang, China
Effects of exogenous melatonin on Cd/As stress in rice
Effects of exogenous melatonin on Cd/As stress in rice
Speaker: Dr. Qiongli Bao
Agro-Environmental Protection Institute, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, China
Lecture: Field-protective forest stands
    Lecture plan
  • Role of field-protective afforestation in agriculture
  • Types and creation of field-protective shelterbelts
  • Assortment of species for field-protective shelterbelts
Field-protective forest stands
Field-protective forest stands
Speaker: Viktor Levin
Doctor of Agricultural Science, Professor of the Department of Breeding and Seed Production, Forestry and Horticulture at the Ryazan Kostychev State Agrotechnological University
Lecture: Factors determining the negative impact of erosion
    Lecture plan
  • Influence of climatic factors on water erosion development
  • Types and shapes of slopes
  • Anthropogenic and biogenic factors of erosion
  • Factors of wind erosion
Factors determining the negative impact of erosion
Factors determining the negative impact of erosion
Speaker: Olga Lukianova
Candidate in Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Breeding and Seed Production, Forestry and Horticulture at the Ryazan Kostychev State Agrotechnological University
Lecture: Properties and characteristics of eroded soils
    Lecture plan
  • Change of soil properties under the influence of erosion
  • Classifications of eroded and wind-eroded soils
Properties and characteristics of eroded soils
Properties and characteristics of eroded soils
Speaker: Olga Lukianova
Candidate in Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Breeding and Seed Production, Forestry and Horticulture at the Ryazan Kostychev State Agrotechnological University
Lecture: Forest Reclamation as an Element of Erosion Control Measures
    Lecture plan
  • What is forest reclamation?
  • Impacts of forest plantations
  • Elements of an erosion control system
  • Types of protective forest plantations on agricultural lands
Forest Reclamation as an Element of Erosion Control Measures
Forest Reclamation as an Element of Erosion Control Measures
Speaker: Olga Lukianova
Candidate in Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Breeding and Seed Production, Forestry and Horticulture at the Ryazan Kostychev State Agrotechnological University
Lecture: Soil erosion. Classification of erosion processes
    Lecture plan
  • Types of soil erosion
  • Damage caused by soil erosion to agriculture
  • Classifications of water and wind erosion of soils
Soil erosion. Classification of erosion processes
Soil erosion. Classification of erosion processes
Speaker: Olga Lukianova
Candidate in Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Breeding and Seed Production, Forestry and Horticulture at the Ryazan Kostychev State Agrotechnological University
Lecture: Symptoms of plant diseases
    Lecture plan
  • Types of plant disease
  • Rot, spot, ulcers, chlorosis, and other diseases
Symptoms of plant diseases
Symptoms of plant diseases
Speaker: Svetlana Chebanenko
Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Plant Protection, Russian State Agrarian University —  Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy
Effective and Safe Application of Pesticides
Effective and Safe Application of Pesticides
Speaker: Prof. Mohamed Ahmed Ibrahim Ahmed
Professor in plant protection department, Assiut University
Lecture: Physiological bases of rational nutrition of farm animals
    Lecture plan
  • Morphological and functional characteristics of the digestive system of ruminants
  • Digestion of nutrients in forestomachs of ruminants
  • Development of forestomachs in young cattle
  • Fundamentals of rational animal nutrition
  • Digestive disorders in the rumen of ruminants
Physiological bases of rational nutrition of farm animals
Physiological bases of rational nutrition of farm animals
Speaker: Dmitry Ksenofontov
Doctor of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Animal Physiology, Ethology and Biochemistry, Russian State Agrarian University — Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy
Lecture: Plant nutrition concepts
    Lecture plan
  • Evolution of plant nutrition concepts
  • Water theory of plant nutrition
  • Humus theory of plant nutrition
  • Mineral theory of plant nutrition
Plant nutrition concepts
Plant nutrition concepts
Speaker: Anton Robert
Chairman of the Student Research Council, RUDN University
Lecture: Resource-saving technologies in agriculture
    Lecture plan
  • Blocks of resource-saving measures
  • Resource-saving management process
  • Factors of sustainable development of the agricultural sector
  • Lines of the resource-saving system
  • Digital technologies for crop production
  • World practice of using digital technologies at agroindustrial enterprises
Resource-saving technologies in agriculture
Resource-saving technologies in agriculture
Speaker: Yekaterina Malykha
Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Production Engineering Department at the Russian State Agrarian University – Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy
Lecture: Biological and technological aspects of storage of fruit and vegetable products
    Lecture plan
  • Specific nutritional properties of fruit and vegetable products
  • Scientifically substantiated consumption norms of fruit and vegetable products
  • Average per capita consumption of fruit and vegetable products in the Russian Federation
  • Strategic importance of the fruit and vegetable products storage industry
  • Microclimatic parameters of fruit and vegetable products storage
Biological and technological aspects of storage of fruit and vegetable products
Biological and technological aspects of storage of fruit and vegetable products
Speaker: Sergei Maslovsky
Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Technology of Storage and Processing of Fruit, Vegetable and Plant products of the Russian State Agrarian University of Moscow Agricultural Academy named after K. A. Timiryazev
Production of fruit crops grafts
Production of fruit crops grafts
Speaker: Alexander Soloviev
Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Fruit Growing, Viticulture, and Winemaking, Russian State Agrarian University — Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy
Lecture: Environmentally Safe Recycling of Waste Oils during Technical Service
    Lecture plan
  • General provisions
  • Waste oils recycling and sources of contamination
  • Key approaches to the recycling and use of waste lubricants
  • Methods for regenerating waste oils
Environmentally Safe Recycling of Waste Oils during Technical Service
Environmentally Safe Recycling of Waste Oils during Technical Service
Speaker: Alexander Chepurin
PhD in Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Metrology, Standardization, and Quality Management, Russian State Agrarian University — Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy.
Lecture: Organic Farming
    Lecture plan
  • Goals for implementing organic farming standards
  • National and voluntary systems of certification of organic products
  • Requirements for a system of voluntary certification
Organic Farming
Organic Farming
Speaker: Tatiana Anikienko
Dr. Habil. Agr. Sci., Prof. of the Dept. of Quality Management and Commodity Science at the Russian State Agrarian University — Moscow Timiriazev Agricultural Academy
